The Friday Reveal
Centr Team

Travel like a Centr expert this Easter

Centr Team

If you're anything like the busy bunnies on the Centr Team, you're probably hopping off somewhere during the Easter break. Whether you're taking a long-haul flight or hitting the road to Grandma's house, good packing can make all the difference. You already have Centr on your device - so working out wherever you are will be easy. But what else to take?

In this Good Friday Reveal, Dan Churchill takes you on a guided tour of his suitcase - from workout gear to a good book and, his mother will be pleased to know, a clean change of underwear!

Rifle through Dan's belongings, then read on for more tips and tricks from the Centr Team to make your travels as comfortable as possible and help keep your health goals on track.

Michael Olajide Jr.

  1. Sleep. Everything in life is easier when you are well rested. Both your body and mind perform better, as you well know, especially in a stressful situation. Try a Centr sleep visualization before putting your phone into flight mode.

  2. Drink water. We tend to lose a lot of fluids at higher elevations. Our bodies were not meant to fly THAT high. Water keeps everything fluid.

  3. Cardio is king. After sleep, nothing will acclimate your body to a new time zone like a great cardio workout. That’s why I love jump rope and shadow boxing. That’s cardio PLUS - it brings every part of your body and mind to life: digestive, cardiovascular, muscular, nervous... all the systems the body needs to function at optimum performance.

Bobby Holland Hanton

An Instagram post showing Bobby Holland Hanton doing a handstand.

  1. Try to get some sleep on the plane so you can time-adjust to the place you're traveling to.

  2. Take probiotics with you on the plane – good gut health is never more important than on holidays!

Tiffiny Hall

  1. As soon as I can after landing, I'll find grass and ground myself in daylight. A dose of sunlight boosts serotonin levels and helps regulate sleep. I stay up until the local bed time on the day I arrive – which can be torture when you've flown long-haul!

  2. If I have a stopover, I'll walk laps of the airport to decrease inflammation keep the blood pumping after sitting.

  3. Plane food needs more sodium and preservatives to taste good at altitude, so it's not particularly healthy. If I must eat it, I choose protein meal options.

  4. To help prevent dry skin, I wear a deep hydrating clear mask for the whole flight and rub coconut oil into my skin and lips.

  5. I wear compression stockings on flights to save my muscles from getting stiff and sore.

  6. I travel with a toddler – so sometimes flying is just about survival and I do nothing but count the minutes until we land!

Darren Robertson

  1. Carry your own water bottle (which you can fill once you've passed through security). You'll be killing two birds with one stone: staying hydrated and minimizing plastic waste.

  2. Bring your headphones and load up on your favorite music, podcasts, audiobooks and meditations - it will help you deal with delays, lost luggage or any curveball you're faced with.

  3. Take a packed lunch. Well, not exactly a packed lunch but lots of snacks for the road. I usually make Bird Seed Bars to take along. If really short on time, I take dried fruit, nuts and maybe a little jerky.

Tahl Rinsky

An Instagram post showing Tahl Rinsky and her partner in Japan.

  1. Move your body – find a way, no excuses! Even if it means long speedy walks through the city or a 10 minute core stretch in the hotel.

  2. Meditate in the morning before you set out, even if it's just for 10 minutes.

Alexis Naim

  1. Pack a resistance band. They take up very little space and can be used in many ways no matter where you go.

  2. Don't fall prey to an 'all or nothing' attitude while you're away. Enjoy a splurge meal. Sleep in. And then resume moderation and balance.

  3. My three Ws: Water, walk and wander! That's: Extra hydration; the best mode of travel; plenty of exploration and play.

Torre Washington

  1. Pack necessities, dried fruit, bars, nuts and rice cakes

  2. I always map out the nearest stores or restaurants with the food that I would eat prior to traveling.

Jorge Blanco

An Instagram post from Jorge Blanco, showing him standing shirtless under a blue sky.

  1. I double my intake of water prior to and during the flight. I also try to pack a meal filled with leafy greens; worst case scenario, I'll see if I can get a green juice at the airport.

  2. I usually have a favorite gym already in mind at my destination, but to stay active I also like searching for a local park or Googling a place where I can do hills or long stairs outside – especially since training outside is limited in winter in my home country of Canada!

Sylvia Roberts

  1. Use your environment. A big part of staying fit and healthy long-term is adding variation and modifications into your usual routines. So if you’re on a gorgeous beach, you could go for a swim. If you’re in India, the birth place of yoga, you could take a yoga class. You could try Tai Chi if you’re in China, take a Tango dance class if you’re in Argentina, do the Samba in Brazil. With an open mind, the possibilities are endless!

  2. Stretch. Going to new exotic destinations is great, but travel can make our bodies feel not great. Remember to stretch and stay limber to make sure you feel at your best! First thing in the morning or just before bed, take some time to stretch your back or any other areas where you feel tight.

  3. Don't forget to relax. All the walking you’ll likely be doing on holiday counts as exercise. So if you’re doing a lot of exploring and incidental exercise, it’s okay to miss a formal workout. You are on holiday after all!

Palisa Anderson

  1. I always pack a container of some sort of steamed greens with olive oil, salt and lemon juice. If it is a shorter flight I take fresh fruit – citrus segments or herbal tisanes are great to have on hand to add to water. I always have a tube of medicinal honey, and liposomal vitamin C on hand to take throughout the flight.

  2. Research the dining options where you are going and choose independent vegetable-centered restaurants that have a menu focused on fresh local produce. Find your nearest organic health food shop that sells fruits and vegetables to buy your snacks.

  3. A yoga session first thing in the morning, especially through the Centr app, is a good way to wake up. Moving your body outdoors is great way to acclimatise to your new environment and to set your circadian rhythm. Try walking or cycling instead of driving as a way to get around.


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