Centr Team

A (rest) day in the life of a Centr expert

Centr Team

Is it time to give yourself a rest?

We love a workout here at Centr, but it is possible to overdo it on exercise. Maybe you’ve been hitting the gym every day without fail, powering through the tiredness because you think that’s what gets the best results. But if you’re skipping rest days, you may be doing more harm than good.

When we rest, our bodies can repair muscles and replenish cells. If you don’t make time for real rest, your body becomes exhausted and you’ll find your progress and performance slowing – or even slipping back. You might also increase your risk of getting injured or sick, which could seriously derail your goals.

Our health and fitness experts at Centr are big advocates of quality R&R, even if they all choose to wind down in different ways.

So sit back, put your feet up and be inspired by our experts to schedule some regular, restful self-care in your week.

Da Rulk

When he’s not keeping our functional moves in check, Da Rulk still loves getting back to basics – spending quality time with family.

Joseph 'Da Rulk' Sakoda doing bear crawl exercises with his two sons.

“I like to play with my sons and see them happy,” he says. “In the evening, I take inventory of my day: how good of a father I was to my boys; how much energy I devoted to those I love and care about.”

Michael Olajide Jr.

Some people like to take their rest days as far from the gym as possible. For Michael, however, exercise is still a focus… in a way.

“I like watching sports,” he says. “Football, basketball, a fight sport... when I see someone other than myself sweating it always makes me feel infinitely better.”

Palisa Anderson

If there’s one person who loves stopping to smell the roses, it’s Palisa.

Palisa Anderson climbs into a tree to pick a jackfruit.

“Obviously I get the biggest kick out of seeing plants grow and thrive, so having a slight hand in growing food as wild as possible is thrilling to me,” she says. “I also love to forage, gather and hunt to make food and useful craft.”

At the end of a day out and about in nature, Palisa loves to settle in with a book and a pot of herbal tea she’s grown and dried herself.

Bobby Holland Hanton

Bobby loves rest so much he does his best to fit it into his working day.

"I'm a massive advocate of rest,” he says. “What we found works quite well is trying to have a nap during the day. Sometimes at lunch, maybe just 20 minutes, but it really does help." And when he gets a proper day off?

“Feet up by a nice warm fire, watching a game of football,” he says.

Tiffiny Hall

While she’s known for giving MMA and HIIT training her absolute all, Tiff also maxes out her relaxation with a few different activities.

“For me, relaxing still has to do with a bit of movement – a gentle walk with my son, or making up a foam roller flow depending on what part of my body needs the most care,” she says. “I love an epsom salt bath, binge watching Netflix and I’ve played the piano since I was little. So I always find the best way to switch off stress is playing my piano.”

Luke Zocchi

Luke takes rest days very seriously – they’re a self-mandated part of his weekly schedule where he can kick back and relax.

“Sunday is always a rest day,” says Luke. “I enjoy cooking dinner at home and having a cheeky glass of wine.”

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