Centr Team

4 of the worst myths about weight loss

Centr Team

Everybody (and we mean everybody) has an opinion about weight loss.

If you’ve told anyone about your goal, there’s no doubt you’ve received some unsolicited advice, too… Thanks, but no thanks, complete stranger!

So who do you listen to when there’s so much noise? We’re here to bust the most common myths, so you know what to tune out and what to take in when you set your goal to Lose Fat with Centr.

Myth 1: Weight loss requires drastic changes

As our nutrition expert Angie Asche says: “If you can’t sustain the diet, you won’t sustain the results.”

If you try to completely overhaul your lifestyle overnight, you’ll quickly burn out. Small steps with your training and diet will get you to your goal in a sustainable way.

Member Eric and his wife Michele achieved big results by stacking up small changes.

Take a tip from Centr member Eric who achieved an incredible transformation by following the motto “be a turtle” – slowly building up good habits he could stick with, then when he was comfortable, adding a few more.

You can’t out train a poor diet.

Myth 2: You need to work out constantly

The key to losing weight is being in calorie deficit – burning off more calories than you consume. It’s almost impossible to achieve through exercise alone, so you need to make nutrition a big focus.

To give yourself the best chance of achieving your goal, be sure to check in with Your Lose Fat Nutrition Guide. And remember: you can’t out train a poor diet.

Myth 3: You need to eat 15 times a day, or not at all

When it comes to what you eat, you don’t need to go to extremes in either direction – eating a lot or not at all.

Eating many small meals throughout the day will not ‘boost your metabolism’, as Angie explains. “Regardless of how often you eat, when it comes to achieving your goal, what matters more is what and how much you eat.”

Don’t let myths mess with your progress. To keep you on track, Angie has busted the biggest food myths.

At the other end of the scale, you might have heard that fasting is the best way to lose weight. But that’s not a magic pill, either. Angie answered all our intermittent fasting questions and told us that, “research shows that fasting is no more effective than a calorie deficit for weight loss”.

Myth 4: Keeping the weight off is impossible

If the weight is just going to pile back on, you may wonder why it’s worth bothering! Yes, it’s true studies have shown that overly restrictive or crash diets don’t work – participants tend to gain back any weight lost during the diet period.

But what does work is a long-term lifestyle shift.

What does that look like? Here are some of the elements that research shows make people successful in losing weight and keeping it off:

  • A sustainable nutrition plan full of fresh whole foods and moderation in all things – including the occasional indulgence. Centr makes this easy with a meal plan designed to fuel your training and work for your goal.
  • A positive and compassionate mindset. A week where you don’t exercise or eat out a few too many times shouldn’t be seen as a failure. Don’t beat yourself up, just show yourself some love and do your best to get back on track.
  • Functional coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and emotional triggers. Meditation is one way to break the cycle between stress and eating habits. Try Basic Box Breathing or a meditation to help you Eat More Mindfully.
  • Regular exercise, while not the biggest contributor to achieving a calorie deficit, is associated with successful long-term weight loss. As well as building up your mental strength, it can help manage the aforementioned stress, too!

Another study of more than 6000 people who successfully maintained weight loss found the qualities they valued most were: perseverance and consistency.

That means picking yourself up and pushing through when you face setbacks, and sticking to your good habits, day in, day out, even when you may not feel like it.

What’s helping you to stay on track and lose weight in a sustainable way? Share your wisdom with your fellow Legends in the Centr community.


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