The continents of the world made out of bunches of flowers.
Centr Team

Want to help the planet? 5 eco hacks you can do right now

Centr Team

From the cars we drive to the food we eat, elements of our everyday life are contributing to global CO2 emissions and polluting our air and waterways.

You don’t have to turn full eco-warrior, but if we all implement a few tiny changes to our everyday lives, we’ll help the environment and get a whole lot of benefits on the side, too.

1. Reduce your waste

Did you hear about the woman who can fit two years of trash into one small mason jar? It’s extreme, but doable. Looking at ways to reduce your waste will significantly help the Earth, and might save you money, too.

A good place to start is with your produce shopping. You’ll find that buying direct from your local fruit and veg store or farmers market usually comes with a lot less unnecessary packaging and plastic than the big chain supermarkets.

Soft plastic recycling (such as the bag your pasta comes in, or the wrapping around paper towel) is also becoming more common, so look out for schemes in your area.

And we’ve all been guilty of buying too much, then letting it go off in the bottom of the fridge. So use your Centr meal plan to prepare and shop for the week, ensuring you only buy what you need.

2. Create a compost

Food scraps like fruit and vegetable skins are the perfect inclusion for a compost bin. You can also throw in tea bags and plant cuttings. This will decompose back into the earth and enrich our soils, rather than clogging landfill.

3. Keep your cup

BYO reusable coffee cups are now everywhere. While billions of non-degradable coffee cups are being poured into landfill each year, the increasing popularity of reusable coffee cups, with brands like KeepCup taking off around the world, is a positive sign.

4. Eat less meat

Meat-free Mondays on Centr aren’t just about broadening your taste horizons. The Guardian reports that avoiding meat and dairy is the single biggest way you can reduce your carbon footprint. Research shows that producing beef results in up to 105kg (231lbs) of greenhouse gases per 100g (3.5oz) of meat. Meanwhile, tofu produces less than 3.5kg (7.7lb). Even the occasional substitution of a vegetarian or vegan dish into your meal plan will have a positive impact.

Chef Simon Hill in the kitchen wearing a beanie hat.

Centr's vegan meal plan features Simon Hill's recipes that are as tasty as they are earth-conscious.

“A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use,” says Joseph Poore, at the University of Oxford, who led one body of research.

5. Hop on your bike

Cars emit huge amounts of greenhouse gas. Walking or riding a bike to work every day (or even a couple of days a week) will save you money and contribute to saving the environment. Plus, think of all those extra calories you’ll burn. Win-win.


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