Centr Team

9 secret habits of the fittest people you know

Centr Team

We all have that one friend. The one who looks genuinely excited to hit the gym, who seems to find things easy while we struggle, who never runs out of steam.

“They’re just naturally fit,” we sigh.

But we’re here to let you in on a secret: there is no inbuilt attribute that makes some people fitter than others. Instead, there are some common habits that can make staying fit seem effortless. We’ve pinned those habits down to help you create a fit lifestyle that’s second nature.

1. They make movement part of their day

It’s not just making time for a workout. It’s also the walk or bike ride to work, walking to the store instead of taking the car, kicking a ball around with the kids, weekend hikes, a night out dancing and stretching in front of the TV.


Sometimes staying active looks like a high-intensity workout, and sometimes it looks like... whatever this is.

This type of movement is known as NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) – how you burn energy when you’re not intentionally exercising. But regular movement isn’t just good for burning calories. It helps with recovery after a tough training, reduces soreness, prevents stiffness, helps you stay mobile and boosts your mood.

Basically, any time you spend not sitting around adds up to something good.

2. They’re consistent, not thrashing themselves

Your ‘always fit’ friend may be moving every day, but they’re not necessarily thrashing themselves in the gym for hours.

The truth is, a 7-day exercise plan isn’t sustainable for most people. Even experts like Luke need rest days. Pushing yourself by overtraining – the point where working out begins to have a negative effect on your health – will lead to burnout and injury in the long run.

Find a frequency of exercise that you can be consistent with and listen to your body – take a break when you need to and step it up when you feel ready.

3. They eat to feel good, inside and out

Are you reaching for the food that makes you feel energized, healthy and happy, or the food that leaves you feeling sluggish and looking spotty?

Pay attention when you don’t feel great after eating, whether it’s because you eat past the point of being satisfied or load up on things that upset your gut or cause your skin to break out.

It’s also a good idea to take note of why you’re eating – is it because you’re really hungry, or because you’re hurting?


Comfort food can be nutritious, just look at our easy weeknight pasta recipes.

Of course, the things you know make you feel good aren’t always the things you WANT to eat. That’s why Centr recipes are designed to make eating well taste great. Find the recipes you know hit your feel-good flavor spot and put them on repeat.

Another secret of people who seem to stay fit and healthy year-round? They drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is key for preventing injuries and maintaining energy, so there’s a reason your fit friend never goes anywhere without their water bottle.

4. They find exercise they enjoy

Do you force yourself to do the exercise you feel like you ‘should’ be doing, instead of what you really enjoy?

Member Jonny admits he had “lacked motivation for years” until he discovered the structure and no-equipment training of Centr Unleashed. Now, he says, “I look forward to exercising.”

It’s okay to go through a bit of trial and error to find the training styles that take you to your happy place. People who stick with exercise tend to approach it as an activity that celebrates what their body is capable of, not a chore or punishment.


Meet your dream training buddies in the community and find the fun in working out.

5. They start their day how they mean to end it

Our beginner trainer Maricris starts her day with meditation “to get myself into a positive mindset”. Luke trains first thing in the morning to stay disciplined. “You get up, you do your thing and you’re on the right track for the day,” he explains.

The habit itself isn’t as important as the intention you set when you start your day right. What will set you on the right path? It could be fueling up with a healthy breakfast, or simply drinking a big glass of water.

6. They take care of their mind

If you’re moving your body but neglecting your mind, you’re not going to get the results you’re chasing. That’s because stress kills progress – it can stall muscle growth, cause your body to store fat, disrupt your sleep and make sticking to a healthy meal plan more difficult.


Jess takes a moment to meditate for a strong mind and stronger muscles.

Making it a priority to care for your mind – with meditation, a yoga flow or connecting with nature – can not only reduce stress, but have flow-on effects for your overall well-being.

The better you eat and the more regularly you exercise, the better you deal with stress and the better you sleep – and so the circle of well-being continues!

7. They prep meals

Too busy to eat well? The trick is to plan and prep in advance: meals in your freezer mean fewer last-minute calls to the local pizza joint.

Filling your freezer with pre-prepared ingredients can also help, as Angie explains: “Buying frozen vegetables means you have a simple low-calorie, high-fiber side ready to go. Pre-chopped frozen vegetables have a similar nutrient content to fresh veg and sometimes even more if they’re snap-frozen.”

8. They have a regular workout schedule

Instead of winging it – “I hope I find time to get a workout in today” – people who are consistently fit plan a schedule for the week ahead. It doesn’t have to be exact, but putting it all down in a calendar can help you to prioritize and find the times that work for you. And once you find those times, aim to stick to them!


No time? Squeeze in some movement with workouts you can do in 15 mins and under.

Of course, life happens: your job, young kids or something completely unexpected (pandemic, anyone?) may make it tough to stick to a schedule. In cases like this, you don’t have to give up on your goals, just be flexible with your methods. If you can’t do a full workout, do 10 minutes. If you can’t get to the gym, use a resistance band at home. If you have a child to care for, put them in the stroller and do a lap around the park.

People who appear to be ‘naturally fit’ know that something is always better than nothing.

9. They get plenty of sleep

One of the best habits you can get into for your health and fitness is getting enough sleep. “Sleep is important for maintaining optimal energy and hormone levels,” explains Angie. When these levels are out of whack, it can impact your hunger, food choices and stress.

The moral of the story is not just that good habits stack up, but that it’s all connected. Get one thing right and it can help with the next… And soon enough, you’re that ‘naturally fit’ friend everyone marvels at.

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