Centr Team
Centr Unleashed: Your no-equipment 6-week workout plan

Unleash (verb) To begin something powerful that, once begun, cannot be controlled.
Centr is the health and fitness program that puts Chris Hemsworth’s team of world-renowned experts in the palm of your hand, breaking the chains that make fitness seem out of reach by unleashing a new way to train.
Centr Unleashed is the 6-week bodyweight program that gives you the freedom to work out anywhere – no equipment required. Sign up for your free trial with Centr today to get started and unleash real results.
Over six weeks, trainers Luke Zocchi and Ashley Joi will help you lose weight, get lean, boost your cardio and unleash a new level of fitness. Because this is training unleashed, you can expect bonus challenges and surprise appearances from Dan Churchill to keep you on your toes.
“We know it's not always easy to establish a fitness routine, so we designed a program that gives you total flexibility to work out,” says Ashley.
“Not having access to a gym or equipment can be one of the biggest barriers to starting your training,” adds Luke. “By removing these barriers, there is nothing to hold you back – we’re unleashing your full potential.”
Warning: once your full potential is unleashed, there is no turning back! Think you can handle it? Here’s the lowdown:
How does Centr Unleashed work?
Unleashed is a 6-week bodyweight-only workout program – every session is unique and the workouts evolve as you progress.
Each week, Luke and Ashley will coach you through 5 HIIT/HILIT style workouts – HILIT is high intensity without the impact, so you can still smash a great workout, even with low-impact modifications. Plus there’ll be stretching sessions to aid recovery and a weekly challenge to track your progress and have some fun.
You can select Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced workout intensity. If you’re new to working out, Luke and Ashley will help you nail the exercises with tutorials and modifications for specific moves.
How do I know if Unleashed is right for me?
Do you want to lose weight, get lean, and increase your cardiovascular fitness? Are you a beginner who needs an expert to walk you through it? Are you experienced and looking to take your bodyweight training to the next level? Do you want to establish an at-home fitness routine? Are you stuck at home, can’t get to the gym and don’t have any exercise equipment? Are you short on time for exercise and just want something fast and effective?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, Centr Unleashed is for you!
“We’re busting the myth that you need heavy weights or cardio equipment to smash out a fun and effective workout at home,” says Luke. “Bodyweight workouts are the perfect way to get started. Wherever you work out, we’ll help you get lean and mean.”
What about my diet?
Personalized to work for your fitness goals, your Centr meal plan will help you maximize your results across the 6 weeks of Unleashed – and beyond. Simply set your goal when you join and your meals will be ready to go in your daily plan on the app.
And with a chef on the Unleashed team, you never know what surprises might be in store…
Who are the trainers?
Coaching you through all 6 weeks of Centr Unleashed will be Chris Hemsworth’s personal trainer Luke Zocchi and inspiring cardio, core and strength expert Ashley Joi.
“I want you to have fun with Unleashed,” says Ashley. “I hope you forget that you’re jumping high, that you’re pushing hard, and that you may be far exceeding your own expectations – so at the end, you're like, ‘Wow!’”
Centr chef Dan Churchill will be dropping in with surprises throughout the program. Before he published cookbooks and fueled Olympic athletes, Dan began his career in health and fitness as a trainer with a Masters in Exercise Science.
What do I need to do to prepare?
“The only equipment you need is you,” says Luke.
That’s right, no dumbbells, no resistance bands – just your body and a can-do attitude!
What about your workout space? So as long as you have enough room to fully extend your body without knocking the TV over, you can do Unleashed anywhere: your living room, courtyard, the park, garage… You get the picture.
Want to get to know your trainers and their workout style? You can join Centr now to test out Luke’s HIIT HIRT Strength and Ashley’s HIIT Strength workouts or just get started with Centr Unleashed!
What is bodyweight exercise and what results will I see?
Bodyweight training removes the need for equipment by using your own weight as resistance against gravity. You’ve heard of push-ups, squats, lunges and burpees, right? They’re all bodyweight exercises.
Plus, HILIT modifications make Unleashed bodyweight workouts suitable for everyone: “HILIT is high intensity with low impact, so you're going to be smashing it out safely,” Luke explains.
Luke and Ashley will get you started by coaching you through new moves, then help you maintain momentum by picking up the intensity as you progress through the program.
“You can definitely get the same results from a bodyweight workout that you would using weights,” says Luke. “With the right exercise selection and intensity, you can achieve the same goals – and that’s exactly what we have in store for you!”
The program is designed to help you lose weight, get lean and boost your cardio fitness – so if you find yourself out of breath after the first couple of sessions, don’t worry, your trainers will get you there! You will also see improvements in your functional strength, explosive power, endurance, flexibility and coordination.
Will I have training buddies?
With thousands of Centr members around the world all taking on Unleashed, you’ll never train alone. You can find support and share your progress in our exclusive members-only Centr Facebook community.
Plus you can join in with challenges across our social channels (find us @CentrFit)... because we’re all unleashed together!
So, are you ready to unleash your full potential? Start your free trial with Centr now.
Coaching On Demand And In Your Hand
When you need a sweat session or an extra boost, your personal fitness coach is just a tap away.
Fewer Decisions, Better Results
Never stress about your fitness routine again. We'll select your daily workout and meals based on your goals and preferences.
Move Any Time, Anywhere
Press play at the gym or at home with your Apple, Android or Web device.