Centr Team

We’ve answered every beginner question

Centr Team

It’s natural to have questions when you’re new to working out and healthy eating. A LOT of questions!

To help you make the best possible start on your Centr journey, we rounded up our team of experts, as well as members, to answer your most common fitness and nutrition questions.

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All your fitness questions

No more feeling intimidated or self-conscious. We’ve answered all your exercise questions so you can focus on busting out your best moves on the workout mat.

Is there a program for beginners?
Yes! Start your fitness journey and prove you can move with Centr Begin, our 3-week home program designed for absolute beginners. If you have never worked out or found other ‘beginner’ programs too difficult, Begin is for you.


Centr Begin is our dedicated program for total beginners.

You’ll build confidence with workouts you can master and be supported at every step by your trainers Maricris Lapaix and Dan Churchill.

Where can I find more beginner workouts on Centr?
Firstly, head into your Centr Settings and make sure your ‘Workout difficulty’ is set to Beginner. This ensures Your Plan (the weekly plan you see in the Home section every time you open the Centr app) is personalized with beginner workouts.

Our team of trainers will get you moving with great beginner options including Beginner Fitness workouts with Maricris, low-impact and low or no-equipment HILIT workouts with Alexz and Luke’s HIIT HIRT Strength workouts.

Is there a community I can join for support?
As a Centr member, you have access to our private Centr community. Whether you’re looking for motivation, support or advice, the community has your back.

How often do I need to exercise?
There is no magic number, it all depends on what works best for you and your goals. With that said, trying to commit to daily workouts can be overwhelming when you’re starting from scratch. You’re more likely to stick to 2-3 workouts per week.

When he started, Centr member Jeremy found the 3 workouts per week schedule of Centr Ignite: Beginner to be a revelation. “It’s much harder to disrupt a 3 workouts per week schedule,” he said. “On the off days, I can throw in a walk home from work or short stretching sessions.”

How long should my workouts be?
Any movement you can fit into your day is a good thing, so start small and work your way up. Completing a 10 or 15-minute workout can help you build confidence and, as your fitness grows, you will find that you can step up to 20 minutes and beyond.

Chris’s personal trainer Luke Zocchi will tell you that workouts don’t have to be long to be effective: “I believe a short workout can be a great workout. You just have to get started!”


Get moving with short HIIT HIRT Strength workouts from Luke Zocchi.

How do I know if I’m doing the exercise right?
Your Centr trainers will demonstrate and talk you through each exercise. Follow their instructions and pay attention to how you feel – if something hurts, you should stop. Many Centr workouts also feature modifications (or regressions) of exercises, so if you’re struggling, take the exercise back to basics.

If you’re unsure about your form, video yourself performing the exercise and drop us a line in the Centr community for feedback.

Do I need to do a certain style of exercise?
Leading health bodies recommend a combination of strength and cardio training for optimum health. Both types of training have great benefits.

Centr Begin – and your regular Centr workouts – will help you build up both your strength and cardio fitness to create a well-rounded habit.

What’s the best type of workout for weight loss?
The best kind of exercise for your goal is the exercise you are most likely to do consistently. Because if you don’t enjoy a certain style of training or don’t have the equipment for it, are you really going to stick with it?

While cardio (exercise that raises your heart rate) is often considered No.1 for weight loss, strength training (using resistance such as weights) is also beneficial. “Strength training makes you a fat-burning machine,” explains Luke. “Because the more muscle you have the more energy you burn just going about your day.”

What time of the day should I work out?
The best time of day to work out is the time that you’re more likely to stick with. Many people find that working out at a regular time helps them to stay consistent.

If you work out first thing in the morning, will that make you less likely to find excuses to put it off? Is the best time to do something for yourself after the kids go to bed? It’s okay to go through a bit of trial and error to learn what works best for your lifestyle.

Do I need to go to a gym?
Not at all! It comes down to preference, but you can build your fitness and get results at home. Centr has plenty of programs and workouts suitable for exercising with either home gym equipment or no equipment at all.

Get your full body fired up with Alexz’s Bodyweight HILIT workouts or Luke Zocchi’s HIIT HIRT Strength sessions – no equipment required. Or kickstart your goals with just a pair of dumbbells by following Centr Ignite: Beginner.


Alexz’s low-impact, equipment-free workouts will have you breaking a sweat without hurting your joints.

Do I need equipment?
You do NOT need equipment to get started! We have plenty of no-equipment workouts, including Maricris’s Beginner Fitness sessions.

You can use the equipment filters in Coached Workouts or Self-Guided Workouts to find the sessions you’re looking for. Here are some no-equipment workouts to get you started.

Is it normal to be sore?
Ever moved house or spent a day gardening, then groaned every time you try to sit down the following day? This feeling is DOMS – delayed onset muscle soreness. It’s completely natural that your muscles will be achy (and maybe a little angry!) when you do an activity your body is not used to or begin a new exercise routine.

DOMS happens because during a workout we make microscopic tears in our muscles. Our bodies then hop into repair mode, fixing the tears and building the strength of the muscles. The good thing about DOMS is it means your muscles are starting to benefit from your training.

If you’re feeling sore, make sure you hydrate, eat well, get plenty of sleep and keep moving. Light movement such as stretching, yoga or walking will help to ease the soreness. If you are really sore, it’s okay to take a day off from training.

As your body adjusts to your new exercise routine, the DOMS will wear off.

How do I stay motivated?
Very few people wake up excited to do a workout every single day. Spend a bit of time in the Centr community and you’ll see other members talking about the importance of consistency and building good habits over waiting to ‘feel’ like working out.

For instance, you can make it easier for yourself to complete a workout by creating a dedicated workout space at home or laying out your gym clothes the night before.

Centr member Eric, whose own transformation is legendary, comes back to his ‘why’ when he needs motivation.


Centr members (and power couple) Eric and Michele achieved their goals and then some. Read more of Eric’s advice for beginners here.

“I encourage every single person who wants to lose weight, get healthy or attain anything at all to write down at the start of their journey what it is they want. Actually write it down, describing it in as much detail as possible,” he says.

“Hard times are inevitable and wanting to quit is completely natural. But when you go back and read exactly why you started and what it is that you want your life to look like, it will motivate and propel you to keep going.”

How quickly will I see results?
We would love to give an exact transformation timeline, but everyone is different. Factors like your age, sex, genetics, quality of sleep, diet and daily movement outside of dedicated exercise can all contribute to how quickly you see results.

If your goal is weight loss, a rate of about 1-2lbs (0.5-1kg) weight loss per week is sustainable for most people. Trying to lose more or lose it faster is not sustainable, and crash dieting will only increase your chances of regaining weight in the future.

How do I lose fat from my belly/legs/some other body part?
At Centr, we’ll never tell you a workout will “reduce belly fat” or deliver “smaller thighs”. This “spot reduce” strategy is just not how fat loss works – because even if you’re specifically training your legs, abs or arms, the fat you burn can come from anywhere in the body. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get results.

If shifting weight is your goal, you need to burn more calories than you consume – and the balance between these numbers comes down to diet and exercise. Of course, if you have a specific body goal, make sure you work those areas during training, as developing muscle in the area will make it firmer.

When does this get easier?
Starting a fitness journey can be hard. Take a cue from our beginner trainer Maricris and remember that it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress.

“We all start as beginners, it just takes time to find your flow,” Maricris says. “It’s important you start with something that is right for YOUR level of fitness and create a routine you enjoy. Pay attention to what challenges you and what feels discouraging, then run towards the stuff that encourages you! And never take anything too seriously.”

All your nutrition questions

What you eat is just as important as how you train to get results. But knowing what, how much and when to eat can feel overwhelming when you’re just getting started. With help from our nutrition expert Angie, we’ve answered all the big questions.

I don’t like to cook. What are some easy healthy recipes?
Workouts don’t have to be painful or boring, and neither does cooking. “Take advantage of pre-cut or frozen vegetables and pre-cooked grains like rice or quinoa to cut down on your prep time,” says Angie.

Of course, like anything, cooking is a skill that you learn over time. We’ll help you start slow with our favorite easy recipes:

If you find one or two recipes you enjoy making and eating, don’t be afraid to put them on repeat!


Do I need to fast or skip meals?
There is no need to skip meals or deprive yourself. You may have heard that intermittent fasting is a good weight loss tool, but Angie warns it is not a magic bullet.

“Intermittent fasting can come in different forms, but the most common type is time-restricted feeding, such as fasting for 16 hours and only eating during an 8-hour window. While there is a lot of hype, a lot more study is required to understand its real impacts,” she says.

“For now, research shows that fasting is no more effective than a calorie deficit (see How do I eat to lose weight? below) for weight loss. You should NOT try fasting if you have type 1 diabetes, are pregnant or breastfeeding, use medications that must be taken with food or have a history of disordered eating.”

Can I eat fast food?
You don’t have to stop eating your favorite foods when you join Centr. However, we recommend limiting fast food or takeout to give yourself the best chance to achieve your goals.

If it’s the “fast” part that makes fast food convenient for you, Angie suggests grabbing healthier pre-cooked options from your local grocery store. “Some supermarkets have salad and hot bars, which allows you to load up on as many vegetables as you’d like. Your store may also have a selection of lean protein and carbohydrate choices that are higher in fiber and lower in sodium than most takeout meals.”

You can also save time with our 20-minute meals or give food prep a try so you have meals ready when you’re busy or exhausted after a long day.

If it’s the flavors of takeout you can’t give up, try recreating your favorite dishes at home. Recipes on Centr include a whole host of takeout favorites, including Angie’s Thai Peanut Chicken and Dan’s Chicken Nuggets.


Get good food, fast, with our collection of 20-minute meals.

What about sweets and candy?
You do not have to give up snacking or your favorite sweet treats. However, sweets and candy should be eaten in moderation as they usually have little or no nutritional benefit, won’t fill you up and tend to be hard to stop eating once you get started.

If you often find yourself craving sugar, it can be helpful to understand why. Skipping meals or undereating at mealtime can lead to low energy levels and sugar cravings later in the day. Poor sleep can also make you crave high-calorie foods like candy. You may have emotional hunger triggers and reach for sweets when you’re bored, stressed, angry or sad. Whatever the reason for your cravings, we have tips to help.

If you want a little sweetness, try reaching for a piece of fresh, whole fruit first. The sugars in fruit are processed differently by your body when eaten as a whole food with fiber. For those times when fruit won’t hit the spot, treat yourself to something high quality and indulgent – like a slice of Dan Churchill’s Double Chocolate Brownies with Caramel Sauce – and really savor the moment. You’ll find plenty of healthy and delicious treats in the Snacks section.

What if I eat out a lot?
If you travel for work or socialize a lot, eating out can be a big part of your life. Angie has 3 easy tips to make eating out healthier.

  1. “Choose menu options that are described using words like steamed, roasted, baked or grilled. A meal prepared in this way is usually significantly lower in calories than food that is fried, crispy or comes in a buttery or creamy sauce."

  2. “Double up on steamed or grilled vegetables to increase the fiber content of your meal.”

  3. “Restaurant portions are usually quite a bit larger than what you would serve yourself at home. Split your appetizer with a friend or bring half of your meal home for leftovers the next day.”

Do I need to do a cleanse diet?
No! There’s no need to cleanse or detox by drinking only juices or cutting out a particular food group. Your body already has a built-in detoxification system, AKA your liver. Fad detox diets can be risky to your health, leading to side effects such as dehydration and disruption of the good bacteria in your gut.

If you do feel like you need to reset your diet and body (perhaps treat day turned into treat week!), we suggest focusing on healthy, mindful clean eating for a week or so. Cut back on processed foods high in sugar and additives, put away the alcohol, drink more water and eat more fiber. This will help your body feel great again and put you back on track to good health.

Do I have to go Keto/paleo/start fasting?
No. Centr is a fad-free zone and you do not need to follow any specific restrictive diet to achieve your health and fitness goals. In fact, diets that require depriving yourself can be hard to sustain and lead to blowouts or binge sessions.

If you are interested in trying a particular diet, make sure you talk to an accredited dietitian or doctor to discuss your specific needs first.

How do I eat to lose weight?
To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. We’ll let Angie explain.

“Creating a calorie deficit means you burn more calories than you consume,” Angie says. “Exercising will increase how many calories you burn, but you also burn calories while you rest and through incidental exercise like chores, chasing after the kids or going up and down the stairs at your office.”

If you set your goal to Lose Fat when you joined Centr, your meal plan has been customized to help you achieve this goal in conjunction with your workouts. However, you may need to adjust your intake to suit your individual needs. Make a small change then monitor the outcome – e.g. cut back on a snack each day if you’re not seeing results, or add a snack if you’re lacking in energy.

Do I need to count calories?
No, our meal plans are designed to help you meet your goals without counting calories. In other words, we’ve done all the hard mathematics for you!

However, it’s important to note that the daily calorie range in the meal plans are based on the average man/woman, so you may need to adjust to suit your individual needs. Monitor your progress, hunger and energy levels to ensure you’re getting the nutrition that works for you.

Do I need to worry about macros?
Macronutrients – AKA the “macros” everybody talks about – are the three main nutrients your body needs: carbohydrates, fat and protein.

You may have heard of “macro counting” diets, but counting every gram of food you eat can feel restrictive and overwhelming. All of the recipes you find on Centr have been dietitian-approved, and that includes making sure they all deliver a healthy balance of macros.

Have more questions?
Be sure to join the Centr community, where you can ask questions of the Centr Team and other members 24/7, and share your fitness journey.


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