Your body is one of the most complex organisms on planet Earth, and your brain is its control center.
Is it any surprise it needs quality fuel to function at its peak?
As Centr nutrition expert Angie Asche explains, the food you eat impacts the production of neurotransmitters – your brain’s chemical messengers.
“You may have heard of tryptophan – tryptophan is an amino acid that your body converts into serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter known to boost mood,” Angie says.
But your body doesn’t produce tryptophan on its own. So to fire up your serotonin production, you need to eat the right stuff.
While turkey is probably the most well-known source of tryptophan, the way your body breaks down protein can make it difficult for it to reach your brain. Plant-based sources such as vegetables, nuts and seeds may be a better bet – the carbohydrates in these foods help your muscles to absorb more amino acids, giving tryptophan an easier path to your brain.
We’ve rounded up 6 recipes that deliver serotonin-boosting foods for every diet and time of day.