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Step up! 6 ways to conquer your fitness fears
Whether you’re about to get started with exercise for the first time or you’ve been a seasoned exerciser in the past and taken a break, getting started with a new fitness plan can feel like a big deal.
Just like anything in life, something new is exciting and fun, but can also be daunting. Will I be any good at it? What if I can’t do it? What if I’m not as good as the next person?
Sound familiar? We get it. We also know that the exercise and fitness arena can be seen as an intimidating space, with all those ripped bodies and people who seem to know exactly what they're doing.
But we’re going to let you in on a little secret… Everyone is on their own fitness journey. Everyone has been new to exercise and in the same place as you. You might think the guy next to you looks buff and could do anything he sets his mind to, but he’s on his own journey, with his own goals and has his own hurdles, too. So let’s not worry about him. Here are some tips to get you started
How to overcome the fitness fears
1. Set a goal
Having something to work toward is a fantastic way to keep focused and on track, giving you a reason to get up and tick off your workout.
Whether your goal is to lose weight, to gain muscle, to be able to kick a ball around with your kids or fit into a new pair of jeans, keep that goal in mind at all times and make it your purpose to get moving.
Want to know the secret for setting smart goals? Our blog on goal-setting has all the details on how to set and accomplish goals.
2. Find a buddy
Finding a buddy to exercise with has some great benefits:
You have someone to be accountable to and turn up to training for.
You have a partner in crime to get started with and share the fear of the unknown.
You have a friend to push along and be pushed along by when needed.
Studies have shown that you train harder with a friend than you would on your own.
3. Set an unchangeable date/time
It may sound simple, but set an unchangeable date and time for your workout. How many times have you let life, work, family or other commitments take over and put your workout aside for tomorrow, then the next tomorrow and the next and the next?
Treat your workout as an important date – mark it in your calendar, turn up for it and get it done.
In the same way that you wouldn’t miss a work meeting or dentist appointment, treat your workout as an important date – mark it in your calendar, turn up for it and get it done.
4. Work out in the privacy of your own home
If the idea of setting foot in a gym fills you with fear and intimidation, the good news is that you don’t have to go to a gym to move your body.
If the privacy of your own home or backyard is more comfortable to get your fitness groove on, you’ll love your Centr training plan. You can complete your workouts anywhere you like, any time you want and you can be at any fitness level, too.
5. Get a support crew
As much as this exercise journey is yours to embark upon, having the support of your loved ones, family and friends can be a huge encouragement. Share your ambitions and ask for their support. You never know, they might even want to join you. Our private Centr Facebook community is where our members support each other, too!
6. Just get it done
If none of the above is working, try to stop thinking about it and just get it done. The exercise-induced happy endorphins will kick in and you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place.
Exercise might seem hard and unknown right now, but once you’ve tried it, it won’t be unknown, and it gets easier the more you do it. Keep the faith, give it a try and you’ll be reaping the health rewards in no time.
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