There’s more to moving well than lifting the heaviest weight or crushing your personal best reps in a HIIT circuit. Mobility, flexibility and a quality recovery routine are all key to performing at your best – and why everyone needs the benefits of stretching.
Hmm, aren’t mobility and flexibility basically the same thing? Not exactly. Quick huddle to put it into context:
Flexibility: How close you can get to touching your toes when doing a hamstring stretch.
Mobility: You touch your toes, then do a walkout, flow into a downward dog, then stand up and walk away.
There you have it. One is about lengthening muscles and allowing your joints to move through an unrestricted range of motion. The other is about taking that great range of motion and putting it into action, whether that’s via your golf swing or picking up a laundry basket.
Stretches for flexibility and mobility are a must – which is exactly why our expert trainers have created these sessions. They’re packed with flexibility stretching and exercises to help you move better in everything you do. With added breathwork to help you downregulate after an intense training session or tough day, they’re also supremely relaxing.
So hit play after a long day at work, before bed or after your next workout and feel the difference.