Centr Team

10 fast meditations for real life problems

Centr Team

Co-workers not pulling their weight again? Overwhelmed by non-stop bad news? Can’t find the motivation to do anything today? Just need a freakin’ moment to gather your thoughts?

What you need is a quick mindset change – something to break the circuit and get you back on track. And because none of us ever has enough time these days, we’re making it snappy!

We've rounded up 10 meditations that deal with familiar problems in 10 minutes or less, so you can get what you need without requiring a degree in the art of zen.

Tip: Find our full range of Express meditations here when you need fast relief.


When even the littlest thing is setting you off...

Hold an audio intervention and Leave Anger Behind. Ever had a complete meltdown because you wanted chocolate ice cream but they only had strawberry and vanilla? (No, we wouldn’t know anything about that either.) You know you really shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, but some days your temper just seems to be stuck at boiling point. When it’s one of those days, tune in and cool off with Tahl.

A virtual team meeting on a laptop, with a plant in the foreground.

When your co-workers are driving you up the wall...

Listen to Stress Release at Work with Sergio. While we definitely wouldn’t know anything about this (our co-workers are amazing, really truly, ahem), we’ve heard that sometimes workplace communications can become a little… frazzled. If you should find yourself in this situation, simply turn to Sergio’s soothing tones to breathe away the stress. You don’t even have to leave your desk.

A person paraglides over a mountain range.

If you feel like a failure...

Hit play on Rediscover Your Confidence. You may not have used the past year to bake sourdough, learn a language or write a novel, but Sergio still reckons you’re pretty great. Whenever you’re feeling insecure, put your headphones on for a quick confidence boost.

A brown sign with an arrow pointing up a staircase.

When you’re avoiding what you’re supposed to be doing...

Listen to Get Things Done. Congratulations, you are the reigning monarch of procrastination! You know that thing you’ve been putting off for weeks? Consider this a (caring and helpful) kick up the butt. In just 4 minutes, Sergio will help you find your missing motivation and get it done. Finally.

A small, isolated white and grey cottage at the foot of a mountain.

If you can’t stop doom-scrolling your social feed...

Make Tahl’s When It All Gets Too Much meditation your circuit breaker. The world can be A LOT sometimes. Tahl can help you hit pause on the non-stop news cycle, lower the volume and reconnect with your calm.

A blue and grey mountain range with snow-dusted peaks.

When you’re filled with more stress than the final episode of Survivor...

Listen to Dial It Down with Sergio. Stress can build up like a pressure cooker. Before the steam is literally coming out of your ears, dial it back by following Sergio’s voice to a place of cool and calm.

Alexz Parvi, smiling and wearing pink activewear, with a blue sky behind her

When you wake up in a rotten mood…

Turn that frown upside down with Alexz’s Good Morning Affirmations. There’s no rhyme or reason to it – sometimes you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Instead of letting that dark cloud linger, switch up your mindset and lock in a positive outlook for the day ahead.

A window in an old house reveals a person with a backpack in front of a  mountain lake outside.

When you feel like everything sucks...

Try A Positive Perspective with Tahl. Sometimes, things just suck. But you know what? If you really think about it, you can still find something to feel good about. Tap into the power of gratitude with Tahl to find a little perspective on your current sucky situation.

A red fire hydrant hanging on a blue wall.

When you’ve had it up to here with this BLEEP...

Listen to Cool Your Anger with Michael. Before you say, do or text something you’ll regret later, call time out on your anger. Think of Michael as your coach, who with a quick pep talk will help you regulate and channel those feelings into something much more useful.

Undulating green mountains as seen from above.

When you just need a freakin’ moment...

Stop and Breathe for Calm. You could make a dash for the bathroom and scream into the void. Or you could politely tell anyone in your vicinity that you just need to step away for a moment, then take a deep breath with Sergio to clear your mind and calm your body. Three minutes later, you’ll be back, and they’ll be none the wiser. Ahhh.


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