Centr trainer Tahl Rinsky smiles for the camera mid-lunge on a yoga mat in a garden setting.
Tahl Rinsky

Is yin yoga the one thing your routine is missing?

Tahl Rinsky

There is a particular style of yoga that has been highly requested by Centr members since we first rolled out the mat: yin yoga. And I’m so pleased to welcome everyone into my first yin classes.

But what is yin yoga and what is it good for?

Yin is a slow flow yoga with a focus on breathing, meditation and feeling present in your body. It will help you feel relaxed and more focused, while improving mobility and flexibility.

If you can’t wait, try your first Yin Yoga session right now. Or if you’re a Centr member you can check out all my new Yin Yoga sessions here.

Get comfortable and let’s take a deep dive into this relaxing style and discover the benefits for your recovery routine and beyond.

An infographic explaining the differences between Yin yoga and Dynamic Yoga.

Do you know your yin from vinyasa? Know the differences so you can pick the right routine for the right occasion.

What is the difference between vinyasa and yin yoga?

If you’ve tried my Dynamic Yoga classes on Centr, you’ll know there’s a reason the word dynamic is in the title! It’s a distinctly different experience to my new Yin Yoga classes, but both can greatly enrich your practice.

Dynamic vinyasa yoga is about flow and energy. It links breath with movement, creating a continuous, fluid sequence of poses – it’s almost like putting a dance together. This style builds strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. The quick transitions and rhythmic movements will challenge your coordination and balance, making it a more intense and energizing practice.

If you haven’t tried vinyasa before, start with my Poses for Beginners class.

Yin yoga is a slower-paced style that uses sustained poses. Holding poses for two to five minutes targets deep connective tissue and allows you to stretch and release tension in a deeply restorative way. It’s less physically demanding, making it accessible for all levels of experience and fitness.

It’s also a meditative practice that encourages stillness and mindfulness, which you can try now with my Stress Release class.

As you can see, they’re quite different styles, but one isn’t better than the other. Embracing both creates a practice that will keep your body and mind engaged and balanced.

Tahl Rinksy sits crossed legged, yoga-style, on a yoga mat in the Centr workout studio.

Want to move better in everything you do? Boost your functional mobility with these 7 yin yoga poses.

Yin yoga as a recovery tool

No matter what type of training you do – strength, cardio, boxing, plyo – recovery should be an essential part of your routine. It’s all about creating a balanced approach that supports both physical recovery and mental well-being.

Yin yoga makes an excellent recovery tool in a few ways.

Flexibility and mobility: The sustained poses in yin target deep connective tissues, like the fascia that supports your muscles and joints, helping to alleviate the tightness and stiffness that often accompany intense physical activity. And as you release tightness, you promote flexibility and joint mobility.

Improved circulation: It may be a twist, an inversion, the stretching or compression of a muscle – all of the poses you make in a yin practice stimulate your circulatory system, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach your muscle cells, speeding up the process of healing and growth.

Improved mind-body connection: Yin fosters mindfulness and body awareness, making it easier to identify and address areas of tension or imbalance.

Yin can also help to counter stress, which is a real results killer. We’ll talk more about that below.

Yin yoga benefits for sleep

Our bodies and minds need quality sleep to feel and function at their best. But I know this is something so many people struggle to achieve on a regular basis.

Yoga has been shown to improve sleep quality and daytime functioning, especially with consistent practice. That’s why I’ve included Bedtime Unwind and Start Your Day classes in my yin yoga workouts on Centr.

I find that yin yoga in particular is a perfect fit for unwinding before bed. After a long day, it's like a soothing balm for my body and mind. The poses help release muscle tension and improve blood flow, easing away the stresses of the day and preparing me for a restful night's sleep. Focusing on deep, slow breaths helps quiet my mind and invite peacefulness.

On the flip side, by starting your day with the mindful movement and breath awareness of yin, you prime your mind for focus and productivity throughout the day. I like to think of beginning your day with yin as a form of self-care. It reminds you to prioritize your well-being and set aside time for yourself before the demands of the day take over.

If you have particular goals for the day, the calm and focus in your mind help to amplify the power of intention. So set positive intentions at the beginning of your yin practice to align your thoughts and actions, which will guide you toward your goals with clarity and purpose.

Tahl Rinsky, on a yoga mat outdoors, kneels on one knee, in a half squat with the other knee up, sipping a hot drink from a pottery mug.

Pairing yin yoga with a Tart Cherry Sleep Tonic before bed can help relieve stress and muscle soreness for a better night’s sleep.

The benefits of yin yoga for stress relief

I don’t know if you would pick it from my classes, but it’s hard for me to slow down. I have a busy head and feel like I need to be doing something all the time. When I do slow down, it’s largely through the movement of yoga.

You might call it slow fitness – low-intensity, mindful and deliberate movement can not only complement your regular training, but release stress by lowering cortisol levels and activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

I turn to yin when I’m feeling overworked or emotionally overwhelmed. It's especially beneficial after intense workouts or during hectic periods, providing the gentle stretching my body needs and the break my mind craves. When I do it my thought process slows down, things bother me less, I’m less reactive, I’m more friendly and more focused.

But it’s also great as a regular practice, regardless of your schedule. I know I’m not the only one who finds it hard to switch off! All of us can benefit from slowing down and releasing tension.

Use that time on the yoga mat to calm your mind, reconnect with your body and come back to your center. If your mind keeps returning to your to-do list, there are a few things you can do to be more present:

  1. Return to your breath. Focus on each inhale and exhale, noticing the space between them or the sensation until it dissolves.
  2. Counting during your breaths. I inhale deeply, hold for a count of 2, then exhale slowly to a count of 4 or 5.
  3. Visualize yourself in a serene place. This can help your mind to relax.

Yin is a practice of patience and acceptance, so don’t be too hard on yourself. It's perfectly normal to experience a busy mind, so just gently guide your focus back to your breath whenever your thoughts wander.

Ready to discover why yin is my go-to for relaxation, mindfulness and deep restoration? Yin Yoga classes are now in session on Centr.

Tahl Rinsky

For classic yoga with a modern twist, Elsa Pataky turns to one woman: Tahl Rinsky. Born in New York and raised in Israel, Tahl is a Yoga Alliance ERYT200 and RYT500 certified instructor, and co-owner of Creature Yoga in Byron Bay. Her dynamic Vinyasa style of yoga balances flexibility and sweat, flow and strength, focus and stillness to better connect body, breath and mind.

Tahl Rinsky

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