Centr trainer Alexz Parvi writes in a journal while sitting outside on the grass.
Centr Team

5 journal prompts to better manage your stress

Centr Team

Everyone’s looking for new ways to manage stress – especially when 34 percent of adults report being overwhelmed by it most days. But one of the best tools for dealing with stress is also one of the most underrated: journaling.

So what exactly is it? Journaling is any form of writing that helps you get your thoughts and feelings out onto paper (or into the notes app on your phone). The specifics will look different for everyone, but it’s generally a regular entry in a notebook about anything – from emotions and worries to ideas and plans for the future.

Let’s dig deeper into the benefits, and get you started with five simple journaling prompts.

Why should I try journaling?
Journaling is not just a cost-effective method of self-care, it’s straight up effective. Think of it as a tool to help you navigate this fast-paced world and the constant challenges it throws in your path.

Studies have shown it can be a great tool for managing your mental health, helping to:

  • reduce anxiety

  • decrease mental distress

  • lower stress levels and decrease the risk of burnout (which is so widespread the WHO classifies it as a medical syndrome)
  • reduce symptoms of depression

  • build resilience

It can also help to improve mood and mindset on a daily basis by helping you to:

  • disrupt negative or intrusive thought patterns by releasing them

  • identify and prioritize problems, fears and concerns

  • recognize your triggers, track symptoms and better control them

  • find a different perspective

  • increase positive self-talk

  • improve overall well-being

The simple act of unloading your thoughts onto a page can leave you feeling a lot lighter and more focused.

How do I journal?

There’s no wrong way to journal, it’s all about doing what feels right to you. A good starting point is to try to write something regularly, whether you’re feeling great or not. Rather than a formal recap of your day, keep it loose and free flowing – even if it’s only something short.

To build a journaling habit, make it as easy as possible for yourself. You might put a notebook next to your bed, or set a reminder to spend a few minutes each evening typing into the notes app on your phone.

There’s a reason we made journaling a key part of the Centr Stress Relief Toolkit: writing things down can help you channel your thoughts into a dedicated 'worry time' so you don’t have to carry it around all day. If you’re feeling too stressed, or not sure where to start, our guided audio tool can help.

Read on for simple journal entry prompts that will also help get you into the zone.

5 daily journal prompts to get you started

Journaling seems like a simple enough idea, but what if you don’t know what to write? Use these journal writing prompts to get started.

Simply ask yourself the question, then jot down whatever comes to mind. Aim to spend 5 minutes max on each question – you’ll find that page won’t stay blank for long.

1. If I could title this chapter in my life, what would it be?
This is an open question to get the juices flowing – a more thought-provoking alternative to the basic “how am I feeling?” prompt. You can go as deep, or keep it as light, as you like.

2. What do I feel challenged by right now?
Think about the negative circumstances or factors in your life, and how they are affecting you. It could be related to your work, relationships or physical health.

3. What is one small step I can take to take better care of myself?
No matter how well you look after yourself, there’s always some small way we can improve on our current level of self-care. What is an achievable action you can take today?

It could be eating better, squeezing in an extra piece of exercise, or a social media blackout before bed.

4. What are three things I’m grateful for?
Life isn’t perfect, but despite any shortcomings, there are so many things we can still appreciate. Being grateful helps you focus on the positive and can improve your perspective on life.

This is a great prompt to respond to before bed, helping to stave off those negative thoughts that can keep you awake at night.

5. What is holding you back from achieving your goals?
If you feel like there is a roadblock – or many roadblocks – between you and your goals, what are they? Try to pinpoint the main obstacles getting in your way.

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